Sometimes I think- there is no way I will forget this- and then what do you know...a couple of days later I am trying to remember what I was going to write down. I need to recommit myself to recording everything. Yesterday morning I was trying to get everybody ready to take Pierce to preschool- I brought everybody's clothes down and told Pierce to get dressed while I dressed the other two. He kept saying he couldn't get his socks on (they were pretty long and tight, I guess) and he would just throw them. I was scrambling trying to get myself dressed- and I kept walking by and saying 'sure you can!, brinley (cousin) can put her socks on..' and I meant it in a positive way, I swear- but I think that was the wrong thing to say. next thing I knew he was VERY upset; kind of this mad cry pout on the stairs- so I came and sat down on the stairs to help him. he was crying as I helped and saying 'I cant put on my socks!' over and over...SO discouraged and sad. I helped and tried to distract him with the pumpkin fun he was going to have at school- but if you know pierce you know he is not easily distracted. We finally got in the car and drove to preschool- but when the teacher came to get him from the car he said he didn't want to go (he NEVER says this- he jumps out before the car is stopped usually) and when we tried to convince him we got the sad cry again. (????) So I pulled the car up and held him for a minute and asked him why he didn't want to go (knowing, I might add, that it was because of what I said) and he finally said it as he softly wept...he couldn't put on his socks. Soooo, I drove home feeling like the worst parent in the world- but determined to fix it. We came in and he sat right back on the stairs with his shoulders slumped. I went in and got a pair of my socks- ripped off his other ones and we started over. You should have seen his face!!!! This is why you can't explain why being a parent is the most wonderful thing in the world! He went from total agony to so proud and excited- he jumped up and said 'I did it!!" and kept showing me and Mauri and Cash- that proud little smile I will never forget:) and then immediately he wanted to go to school. So off we go...
Small side note. We started Cash in september in the same school because we thought he would like it- I gave it about a week and a half, and even though they said he liked it- he was still sad to go- and it broke my heart- so we pulled him out. figured he would go next year...
We get to the school- Pierce Jumps out to run in and tell his teachers (about his socks that are hanging out the back of his shoes:) and CASH- says he needs his backpack because he wants to go!!!! I clearly dont have it- nor do I think he will actually go- but we all walk in anyway and cash runs to his class circle (they are reading)-and plops down in the middle and tells them all about our halloween decorations. I couldn't believe it.
A low of lows to a high of highs...does anything else describe motherhood quite so well?
This was really nice. You are so patient, taking him back home. You are doing a great job teaching your kids lasting lessons.
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